气味只是分子的化学式,如果没有想像力的提示。色彩只是红绿蓝的排列组合,如果没有第六感的介入。设计只是点线面的几何学,如果没有刚好路过的缪斯。 而手感,手感是未知的领域,再精密的算计也无法取代的神秘学。你会知道你喜欢,但你无法以分明逻辑去陈述申论,宛如爱。
Scent is just chemical formulas, until someone adds imagination. Color is just combinations of red, green, and blue, until someone adds a sixth sense. Design is just geometry-dots, lines, and surfaces-until inspiration strikes. Feeling, however, is the realm of the divine-a mystery that no amount of cool reason can convey. You know when something moves you, but you can’t explain it in logical terms. Just like love.
Through a designer’s hands, a feeling is passed into your hands, like a gift. All scents, colors, designs, and all sensations are secret emotional transactions, spoken wordlessly from heart to heart.
handhandhand 叁手香氛相信设计是一种始于心、动于脑、行于手的一连串意识/无意识行为。我们相信手可以连结五感,所以我们将大量的工匠手作技艺,融入我们的设计工序,在细微的差异中再三斟酌与挣扎,让一个意念最终化为一种具象的气味、质感和形体。我们为了让生活拥有一份更美好的精神存在,而创作。
Handhandhand, as a fragrance brand, believes that design is a series of conscious and unconscious impulses that begin in the heart, move through the mind, and take shape through the hands. We believe that the hands connect to all the senses, so we incorporate a great deal of artisan craftsmanship into our design process, deliberating and playing with the nuances that make an idea into a tangible scent, texture, and form. We create to infuse life with a hint of the magical.